Hi, I’m Ryan Moran, founder of Switch Supplements. 

I've been an entrepreneur now for more than 15 years, and before I started I never would have imagined how much of this journey was an internal journey. 

I never imagined how much this would test how much stress I could handle, and how much risk I was willing to take. I never imagined that the amount of money I could make was directly affected by my mental state and by my physical well being.
But the truth is that entrepreneurs and high performers struggle the most with our wellbeing and our mental health.

Why? Because we're carrying so much stress.

We carry the burden of the success of our companies and our families and our employees. 

That puts us in a really tough situation where if we don't take care of our mental health and our wellbeing, then our business suffers. On the other hand, we’re ultimately responsible for making sure the work that needs to get done actually gets done.  

That's why for a long time, I've wanted to have a brand that championed the wellbeing of high performers because I know that when you are at your best, even if you're just at your best for an extra hour out of the day, that that extra hour can be more profitable and more productive than most people's months.

You know, that first rush of caffeine or MCT oil or that first moment of inspiration that happens in some mornings when you feel really on, what if you could extend that for just a few extra hours? 

You know, that first rush of caffeine or MCT oil or that first moment of inspiration that happens in some mornings when you feel really on, what if you could extend that for just a few extra hours? 

How much more creative work or focused work or just productive work, could you get done if you were really happy and really motivated and feeling in flow for a few extra hours every day? 

Would that change your bottom line? 

Would it change the way you showed up for customers? 

Of course it would. 
And that’s exactly why Switch Supplements exist.

Our first product is called On Switch. 

On Switch is designed to give your body and your brain the best shot possible at producing the hormones that make you happy, that make you feel fulfilled, that make you feel focused, that make you feel present, that make you feel ready to show up for your customers. 

Plus, it’ll help you be ready to lead your team and ready to make good decisions. 

With On Switch, you get to feel like that for a few extra hours every day.
The feedback we’ve gotten is that the freshness, the focused energy that usually ends at 10:00 AM extends until 1:00 PM or 2:00 PM.
In other words, you get a few extra hours of really great work done. We’ll also be releasing a product to help you wind down and log off for the day. And another to help you get the best sleep of your life.
Stick around and we’ll make you the most productive person you know.

Switch Supplements